The Only Plastering Guide You’ll Ever Need

Plastering is an essential part of many construction projects. It is used to create smooth, finished surfaces on walls and ceilings. Plaster can also be used to decorate or protect surfaces.

If you’re planning on doing any plastering, whether it’s for a small repair job or a complete renovation, then this is the guide for you. We’ll take you through everything you need to know, from the basics of mix ratios and application techniques to more advanced skills like repairing cracks and dealing with tricky corners.

So grab your trowel and let’s get started!

The Basics

Before you start plastering, it’s important to understand the basics. This includes understanding the different types of plaster and their properties, as well as the different tools and materials you’ll need.

Types Of Plaster

There are two main types of plaster: gypsum-based plaster and cement-based plaster. Gypsum-based plaster is the most common type of plaster and is suitable for most applications. It’s easy to work with and can be sanded down if necessary. Cement-based plaster is more durable and waterproof, making it ideal for use in wet areas such as bathrooms.

Tools And Materials

There are a variety of different types of plaster available on the market, so it’s important to select the one that’s best suited for your needs. If you’re unsure of which type of plaster to use, ask a professional at your local hardware store for advice.


This is the most important tool for plastering and comes in various sizes to suit different jobs. Choose a size that’s comfortable for you to use.

Plaster Mixer: 

This is used to mix the plaster before application. You can either use a drill with a mixing attachment, or a handheld mixer.


This is the surface that you’ll be plastering onto. It comes in different thicknesses and sizes, so make sure you get the right type for your job.


This is used to mix the plaster in. A standard builders’ bucket will do the trick.

Now that you know the basics, let’s take a look at how to mix and apply plaster.

How To Mix Plaster

The first step in plastering is to mix the plaster. This can be done by hand or with a machine, but we recommend using a machine if possible as it’ll save you time and energy.

gypsum-based plaster, the ratio is usually 1 part plaster to 3 parts water. For cement-based plaster, the ratio is 1 part plaster to 5 parts water.

Once you’ve added the water, mix the plaster until it’s a smooth, even consistency. If it’s too thick, add more water; if it’s too thin, add more plaster.

How To Apply Plaster

Now that the plaster is mixed, it’s time to apply it to the surface. Start by wetting down the surface with a sponge or spray bottle so that the plaster will adhere better. Then, using your trowel, apply the plaster in an even layer.

If you’re working with a large area, it’s best to divide it into smaller sections and work on one section at a time. Otherwise, the plaster will start to dry before you’ve had a chance to finish.

Once you’ve applied the plaster, smooth it out with your trowel. Then, leave it to dry for 24 hours before sanding it down (if necessary) and painting or wallpapering over it.

And that’s all there is to it! With these basic tips, you’re ready to start plastering like a pro.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to achieve professional results with your plastering project. Just remember to take your time and follow the directions carefully and you’ll be successful. Anchor on this one if you want to do some plastering in your home. 

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