What Are The Things To Prepare Prior To Having A Bar Fit Out

It’s already challenging to build or remodel your own home from the ground up. Construction of business structures, such as restaurants and bars, is considerably more challenging. If you’re planning on employing a contractor, you should set aside some extra money in your budget. This emphasises the need of doing as much with as little as possible.

Before beginning your fitout project, you should also give some thought to other considerations. If this is your first time running a bar, you may not know where to begin.

What Are The Things To Prepare Prior To Having A Bar Fitout

There are several things that you should prepare prior to having a bar fitout. Here are some key considerations:

1. Budget

When it comes to budgeting for a bar fitout, it’s important to be realistic and take into account all the expenses associated with the project. Some key expenses to consider include:

  • Construction costs: This includes any necessary renovations, such as electrical or plumbing work, flooring, walls, and ceilings.
  • Equipment costs: This includes items such as refrigeration units, bar counters, glassware, furniture, and lighting.
  • Labour costs: This includes the cost of hiring contractors or construction workers, as well as any costs associated with training staff.
  • Permits and licensing fees: This includes any costs associated with obtaining the necessary permits and licenses to operate a bar in your location.
  • Contingency fund: It’s important to have some extra funds set aside for unexpected expenses that may arise during the fitout process.

When determining your budget, it’s also important to prioritize your expenses based on the most critical items for your bar. For example, if your bar concept relies heavily on a particular style of glassware or lighting, it may be worth investing more of your budget in those areas.

Overall, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your budget before embarking on a bar fitout, as this will help you make informed decisions and ensure that the project is financially feasible.

2. Concept And Design

When it comes to the concept and design of your bar fitout, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Brand identity: Your bar fitout should align with your brand identity and overall business goals. Consider your target market, brand values, and unique selling points, and ensure that your fitout reflects these elements.
  • Layout and flow: The layout of your bar should be optimized for traffic flow and accessibility, with consideration given to things like seating arrangements, bar placement, and customer flow patterns.
  • Aesthetics: Your bar fitout should be visually appealing and create a welcoming atmosphere for your customers. Consider the use of lighting, colour, materials, and textures to create a cohesive look and feel.
  • Functionality: Your bar fitout should be designed with functionality in mind, with consideration given to things like storage space, refrigeration needs, and equipment placement.
  • Unique features: Consider incorporating unique features into your bar fitout that help set you apart from the competition. This could include things like custom lighting installations, unique seating arrangements, or specialized equipment.

Ultimately, the concept and design of your bar fitout should be driven by your business goals and the needs of your target market. By creating a cohesive and visually appealing fitout that aligns with your brand identity, you can help attract and retain customers and create a memorable experience that sets your bar apart from the competition.

3. Permits And Regulations

Obtaining the necessary permits and complying with regulations is a critical part of any bar fitout project. Here are some key considerations:

  • Research: Start by researching the specific permits and regulations that apply to your location and type of business. This can typically be done through your local government’s website or by contacting the relevant regulatory agencies.
  • Permit applications: Once you have identified the necessary permits, you will need to submit applications and pay any associated fees. This may include permits for building construction, electrical work, plumbing, and liquor licensing.
  • Building codes: Your bar fitout must comply with all relevant building codes, which may cover areas such as fire safety, accessibility, and ventilation.
  • Health and safety regulations: Your bar must comply with health and safety regulations, which may include requirements for food handling, pest control, and sanitation.
  • Zoning laws: You may need to obtain permits for land use or zoning if your bar fitout involves a change of use for the property.
  • Compliance inspections: Your bar fitout may be subject to inspections from regulatory agencies to ensure that it complies with all necessary permits and regulations.

It’s important to ensure that you have all the necessary permits and comply with all relevant regulations before opening your bar. Failure to do so can result in fines, legal issues, and potential closure of your business. Working with a qualified contractor or consultant can help ensure that you are meeting all necessary requirements for your bar fitout.

4. Location And Space

Choosing the right location and space for your bar fitout is critical to the success of your business. Here are some key considerations:

  • Location: Choose a location that is easily accessible and visible to your target market. Consider factors such as foot traffic, parking availability, and proximity to public transportation.
  • Size and layout: The size and layout of your space should be appropriate for the concept and design of your bar fitout. Consider factors such as the number of customers you expect to serve, the size of your kitchen and storage areas, and the placement of key equipment.
  • Building features: The building that you choose should have features that are conducive to a bar fitout, such as high ceilings, good lighting, and adequate ventilation.
  • Lease agreements: Before signing a lease, ensure that you have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions, including any potential restrictions on use or alterations to the space.
  • Cost: Consider the cost of renting or purchasing the space, as well as any associated costs such as utilities, insurance, and maintenance.
  • Neighbourhood: Consider the surrounding neighbourhood and the potential impact on your business. Factors to consider may include crime rates, competition, and local amenities.

By carefully considering the location and space for your bar fitout, you can ensure that you are creating a welcoming and functional environment for your customers while also minimizing your costs and risks. It’s important to work with a qualified contractor or consultant to ensure that your space is optimized for your business needs and complies with all necessary regulations.

5. Equipment And Materials

Selecting the right equipment and materials for your bar fitout is important for both functionality and aesthetics. Here are some key considerations:

  • Bar equipment: You will need to choose equipment that is appropriate for the type of bar you are creating. This may include items such as refrigeration units, ice machines, glassware, and cocktail shakers.
  • Seating: Your seating arrangements should be functional and comfortable for your customers. Consider factors such as the number of seats needed, the style of seating, and the placement of tables and chairs.
  • Lighting: Lighting is an important aspect of creating the right atmosphere in your bar. Consider using a combination of ambient and task lighting to create a welcoming and functional space.
  • Materials: The materials used in your bar fitout should be durable and easy to clean. Consider using materials such as stainless steel, concrete, and natural stone for bar surfaces and countertops.
  • Decor and furnishings: The decor and furnishings in your bar should be consistent with the overall concept and design. Consider using elements such as artwork, plants, and accent lighting to create a cohesive look and feel.
  • Sound and entertainment: Consider incorporating sound systems and entertainment options such as TVs, live music, or DJ booths, to enhance the experience for your customers.

By carefully selecting the right equipment and materials for your bar fitout, you can create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space that meets the needs of your customers. It’s important to work with a qualified contractor or consultant who can help you choose the best options for your specific business goals and budget.

6. Staff And Training

Having a well-trained and experienced staff is essential to the success of any bar fitout project. Here are some key considerations:

  • Staffing needs: Determine your staffing needs based on the size and concept of your bar fitout. Consider factors such as the number of employees needed, their roles and responsibilities, and their hours of operation.
  • Hiring process: Develop a hiring process that allows you to effectively screen candidates and select the best fit for your business. This may include conducting interviews, checking references, and administering skills tests.
  • Training: Provide comprehensive training to your staff on all aspects of your bar fitout, including equipment operation, customer service, and safety procedures. Consider providing ongoing training and professional development opportunities to help your staff stay up-to-date and improve their skills.
  • Policies and procedures: Develop clear policies and procedures for your staff on topics such as dress code, employee conduct, and handling customer complaints. Communicate these policies and procedures clearly and regularly to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Team building: Foster a positive and collaborative work environment by organizing team-building activities and encouraging open communication among your staff.
  • Compensation and benefits: Offer competitive compensation and benefits packages to attract and retain top talent in the industry. Consider factors such as salaries, health insurance, and retirement plans.

By investing in your staff and providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed, you can create a welcoming and professional environment for your customers. It’s important to work with a qualified consultant or training provider to ensure that your staff is receiving the best possible training and development opportunities.

7. Timeline

Having a realistic timeline is important for ensuring that your bar fitout project stays on track and is completed on time. Here are some key considerations:

  • Planning and design: Allow several weeks or months for planning and design, depending on the complexity of your project. This will involve selecting a concept and design, working with contractors and consultants, and obtaining necessary permits and approvals.
  • Construction and installation: The construction and installation phase will typically take several weeks or months, depending on the size and scope of your project. This will involve demolishing existing structures, building new structures, and installing equipment and materials.
  • Testing and inspections: Once the construction phase is complete, you will need to allow time for testing and inspections to ensure that everything is functioning properly and complies with all necessary regulations.
  • Training and staffing: Allow several weeks for staff training and hiring, so that your staff is fully prepared and trained before opening day.
  • Soft opening and grand opening: Plan for a soft opening several days or weeks before the grand opening to allow for any necessary adjustments and testing. The grand opening should be a well-publicized event that generates excitement and interest among your target market.

By carefully planning and scheduling each phase of your bar fitout project, you can ensure that it is completed on time and within budget. It’s important to work with a qualified contractor or consultant who can help you develop a realistic timeline and manage the project effectively from start to finish.


A bar fitout project requires careful planning, design, and execution to ensure that it is successful. From establishing a realistic budget to selecting the right equipment and materials, there are many factors to consider when creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing space that meets the needs of your customers. Additionally, hiring and training a well-qualified staff is crucial to providing top-quality service and creating a positive customer experience.

By working with a qualified contractor or consultant, you can ensure that your bar fitout project is completed on time and within budget while meeting all necessary regulations and guidelines. With a well-planned and executed bar fitout project, you can create a welcoming and professional environment that attracts customers and builds a loyal following for your business.

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